Truth and lies: Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality: a classic staple of pageant culture, and an overall awesome storyline of a badass women exploring multiple facets of her power. It’s a personal favorite of mine because I laugh along with how congruent aspects of the film are with my 15 years of experience in the pageant industry.

Have you ever watched the movie and thought “Is this what it’s really like?” Well, I’m here to give it to you straight. Pageant girls, read along & tell me what I got right and what I’m missing! Here are the truth and lies of how Miss Congeniality represents the pageant world.


Although not as extreme as 24 hours locked in an airport hanger, girls absolutely have “their squad” to prepare them for competition.



You would NOT be allowed to drink at Nationals, even “after hours” like the girls do. Systems are incredibly strict about this, even if you’re over 21. You’d get your crown taken away faster than you could finish your beer.


Pageant coaches are a real thing. Just like sports, a coach can push you to perform at your highest abilities, and feel just as invested in your outcome.


Gracie Hart’s career at the FBI is painted as uncommon. In reality, many pageant competitors have thriving careers in progress while they compete. Just a few examples of fun careers I’ve gotten to learn about from my clients: specialized anti-terrorism units in the national guard, interior design, nursing, HR, personal training, law, transportation logistics, art curator—the list goes on!


Fainting & falling on stage HAPPENS! Slippery stages, sky-high heels, hot stage lights & tight gowns are a recipe for disaster. It’s all about your recovery!



Hungry or not, you would NEVER put a doughnut in your gown like Gracie does. These gowns cost thousands of dollars, and already have to contend with spray tans that stain the inside, dirty backstage floors, and high heels that can tear through chiffon in a second. Keeping your gown in good condition isn't just for the stage—it’s for the resale value too.


Praying before meals, before going onstage, or a prayer circle in the hallway is a common sight. And 9 times out of 10 it’s started by a girl from a Southern state. Ya’ll know it’s the truth!



Just like Frank & Kathy Morningside, pageant systems are often family affairs. Having relatives or spouses co-own pageants is common. Planning to blow up contestants, not common.


World peace is out. Common “platforms” (aka the cause most meaningful to individuals) right now include mental health, female representation in various industries like STEM, & disease awareness like autoimmune diseases or cancer.


Opening number dances can be HARD to learn! The choreography is not given to you beforehand, and you only have a few rehearsals to learn it. Pro tip: once you know the song, download it to your phone so you can practice in your hotel room. You don’t want to be the only one on stage not knowing what they’re doing! And if all else fails, dance to your own rhythm and keep your confidence until you can get back on track.



Besides Miss America, pageant systems don’t have signature songs written for their pageant. Even Miss America has stepped away from using their signature song in the last few years. Wouldn’t it be kinda fun to have a signature pageant song to sing like when you’re at camp!?


Small friend groups that develop during competition are common. It just takes a few rehearsals or events to figure out who is really fun to be around and jives with your vibe, so those first few times meeting as contestants, it’s really important to be outgoing and say your hellos.


Frank, a staff member of the pageant, make suggestive comments to the girls. Although unwanted comments are a reality while you’re repping your state title, it’s often from the general public and should never be coming from a staff member. Wherever those types of comments come from, titleholders are always allowed to stand up for themselves and leave situations where they feel uncomfortable. You don’t need to put up with that!


At pageant offices, it’s common to have giant photos of past queens. How fun would it be to see yourself larger than life marking the best year of your life!

Miss Universe Offices

Miss Universe Offices


The whole “you’re going to win” is a real thing. I’m not sure why, but competitors sometimes hype up their competition to their own detriment. Believe in YOURSELF, girl!


Outdoor preliminary competitions like they had when Gracie jumped the man with the gun are not common, but I think it’s a great idea! How fun would it be to compete outside and have the public come cheer you on.


It depends on the system, but contestants are sometimes assigned random roommates & have specific, limited times they’re able to see friends and family after events. It makes you really independent to have to organize and prep all your outfits by yourself. In other systems, you are responsible for your own hotel room & are able to stay with your family and have their help before and after competition events.


If anything were to happen on stage during the pageant, the girls wouldn’t be responsible for helping each other (but that does happen too!). Staff would take care of it so quickly! Pageant staff are quick problem solvers and often former competitors, so they’ve seen it all and are ready to jump in if they sense trouble.



Butt glue. It’s real & it works.


This is more of an omission, but one thing missing from Miss Congeniality are the former queens! Not only from the past year (who is shown for like 2 seconds), but from many years prior. One of the great things about pageantry is the amazing sisterhood and role models who held State and National titles before you.


As Gracie’s pageant coach, Victor, says “I’ve been around this pageant for many years. I could shock you with the intimate details I’m privy to.” The pageant world is small, and there’s plenty of rumors and past drama to go around. But no tea will be spilled today.


Having an assistant onstage for talent. Just think of how many talents you could showcase if you would be able to have a partner! Something to consider?



In a segment that’s often edited out when Miss Congeniality airs on TV (boo!), Miss New York gives her female partner a shout-out on stage. Contestants who are LGBT+ are just starting to go public before taking the stage in the last few years : See first ever transgender contestant at Miss Universe, Miss Universe Spain 2018 and first openly gay Miss Universe contestant, Miss Universe Myanmar 2019 and first bi-sexual contestant at Miss USA this year, Miss Utah USA. Cheers to these brave women!


Texas & California always being in the Top 5. It doesn’t happen every pageant, but, I mean, there is some truth to how well these states do at Nationals.


Ugly crying when you win.


Did I get it right? Anything you pageant girls think I missed or disagree with? What’s so true it hurts? Tell me in the comments!


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