My Quarantine Project

2020. Phew. What to say.

I’m not going to sugar coat it: 2020 has been difficult, but also surprisingly great.

I’ve had more time at home, which has allowed my husband and I to tackle the biggest DIY project we’ve ever done: building a brand new studio space in our new home.

When you give something your blood, sweat, and tears, you really know you care. And trust me, the studio got all three. I can’t put into words my thankfulness for my husband, Travis, for the sacrifices he made to make my vision a reality. The studio work has been a labor of his love for me, and I’m truly so thankful everyday to be a recipient of his steadfast love and support. Even as I write this at 11pm on a Friday night, he’s in the garage doing electrical wiring on what will become two beautiful mirror banks of vanity lights.

A thousand words of thanks, love.

We installed an eco friendly heated floor system, sketched out design concepts, got creative with resource availability when stores were closed, and Googled/YouTubed a LOT to figure out how to bring our ideas to life. Not everything went perfectly: cabinet stains didn’t hold, we tipped and broke a table saw in the process, our bodies were continually sore from the work, and more than a few tears of frustration were spilled. But, with great help from our family & friends (both in-person & emotional support wine happy hours), we officially opened our doors in mid-June and have been enjoying getting back to a “new normal” with clients this last month.

Watch the studio space unfold below.

Curious for more Britany Link Photography? Check out these past photoshoots & studio updates

Brittany Link